June 27, 2023

Kaseya Quote Manager release notes

The Kaseya Quote Manager team is excited to announce the release of the following enhancements.


Quote Datto BCDR Solutions

You can now generate quotes for and purchase Datto Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions like Siris 5, Infinite Cloud, and Siris Private through Kaseya Quote Manager. Kaseya Quote Manager is the only automated quoting tool for Datto Backup products. Learn more

See recommended products easily

We have re-introduced the Recommended badge for recommended products in the online store. Your customers can now easily see the products you recommend, leading to higher visibility and sales.

Adjust the Autotask ticket charge sync logic around services

If a sales order is synced to a ticket and the tenant has Sync Products enabled, and the product is a non-recurring service which is not based on a role in Autotask, that product will now be synced as an Autotask Ticket Charge.